Thursday, February 28, 2019 automated posts from website to company pages on LinkedIn

Today I came across this nice tool, to automate the posts from your website / RSS to your social media pages (personal or company pages).

Definitely worth taking a look

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How to add SSL to wordpress website?

  • Purchasing and installing SSL certificate.  

Ordering SSL in your website Cpanel
  • This allows you to use https:// URL, but if you wish your custom website to use https:// URL so you can see that secure mark then you need to do a little more.
  • For Wordpress websites, you should now configure your WordPress to operate with https:// To complete this you need to update the two site URLs in Settings > General menu of your WordPress admin panel to be with https://.
  • Finally you may need a plugin for the website to operate with SSL like "Really Simple SSL"

Restricted access to a test website for Testing purpose with .htaccess ...

If you also need to create a restricted access to a subdomain on your website due to testing, you can follow these steps.

  • You can create a temporary subdomain. E.g.
  • You can make the website accessible only for your IP address by creating a file called .htaccess in the directory of the website ( if there isn't such a file already) and adding the following code inside:

    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from  

    Simply replace with the IP address from which you will be accessing the website.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Promoting Your Public Profile

If you want to add your LinkedIn profile (personal profile) to your HTML based website, there is an easy way by LinkedIn.

On the Public Profile page, click Create a public profile badge from the bottom of the right rail to get started. It will give you some options & sizes to choose from & you can copy paste that in your HTML code.

Show all posts on a specific tag on a page in menu

If you want to put one specific tag on a page & add it on the menu, it's pretty simple. In WordPress you can display posts with same tag on tag archive page. 
Login into WordPress admin panel, navigate to Appearance -> Menus. Find your primary menu that is in use, and select it. Now, click on Screen Options button in the upper right corner (all the way up to the right), & check option Tags so they are also shown on your menu List (left side of the page). 
This way you will get additional menu panel Tags. Browse to the desired tag & add it to your menu. You are good to go :-)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

MySql & Ubuntu , installation & uninstall (removing)

Installing MySql on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server
Uninstall & Removing MySql on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get remove -y mysql-*
sudo apt-get purge -y mysql-*